The exhibition of 150 years of physical exercise and sports in Serbia and 125 years in Serbia sokolstva |
Museum of sport and Olympism
Wednesday, 19 March 2008 00:00 |
18.03.2008. Reception at the Embassy of Serbia in Prague, Mr. Vladimir Veres. In the photograph: - Marija Stojić (author of the exhibition) - Andreja Mladenović (The City Council of Sports and Youth) - Goran Kreclović (Secretary for Sports and Youth of Belgrade) - Vladimir Vereš (Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Prague)
>>>>> Click to enlarge photo
18.03.2008. The opening of the exhibition in Tiršovom home in Prague. In the photograph - Tatjana Garčević (Assistant Minister, Ministry of the Diaspora, RS) - Danijel Ivanković (consultant in the field of sport of the Secretariat for Sports and Youth) - Modest Dulić (Provincial Secretary for Sports and Youth) - Andreja Mladenović (The City Council of Sports and Youth of Belgrade) - Goran Kreclović (Secretary of Sports City of Belgrade) - Snežana Milojković (organizer of the exhibition) >>>>> Click to enlarge photo
18.03.2008. The opening of the exhibition in Tiršovom home in Prague. In the photograph - Tatjana Garčević (Assistant Minister, Ministry of the Diaspora, RS) - Danijel Ivanković (consultant in the field of sport of the Secretariat for Sports and Youth) - Andreja Mladenović (The City Council of Sports and Youth of Belgrade) - Marija Stojić (author of the exhibition) - Goran Kreclović (Secretary of Sports City of Belgrade) - Snežana Milojković (organizer of the exhibition) >>>>> Click to enlarge photo

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Invitation exhibit in Prague 2008 (126KB) Invitation exhibit in Prague 2008 (521KB)
Last Updated on Monday, 07 June 2010 13:03 |