The opening ceremony "the European spirit of sport in Serbia" Print
Museum of sport and Olympism
Saturday, 28 April 2007 00:00
We invite you to the opening ceremony of the European spirit of sport in Serbia, on 03 May 2007. in the City Hall, Dragoslav Jovanovic street, 2.

On that occasion, ceremony will mark 60 years anniversary of the founding of the Museum of sport and 15 years of European Movement in Serbia.

The exhibition will officially open the year Ivan Jestrab, Ambassador of the Czech Republic and Mr. Goran Kreclovic, City Secretary for Youth and Sports.

Organized by the Museum of Sport FSFV in cooperation with the European Movement in Serbia.

The exhibition is open from 03 to 08th May 2007.

Working day: from 17-20h
On weekends: from 16-20h

Author settings: Maria Stojic
Organizer: Snezana MilojkoviC
Coordinator: Doc. dr. Darko Mitrovic

Our best athletes, which include: Novak Djokovic, Jelena Jankovic, Boba Zivojinovic, Milena Reljin, Nikola Stojic, Djordje Visacki, Marija Savic Srećković, Vladimir Grbic, Tanja Petrovic, Goran Kasum, Dane Korica and other devotees of the Museum of sport their legacies.




Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 June 2010 11:38