Swimming and waterpolo - schedule the exam in the June examination period AS and SS |
News and Events
Thursday, 27 May 2010 00:00 |
Schedule the exam in the June examination period (academic and vocational studies), practical - swimming pool "TAŠMAJDAN":
• Waterpolo (last year students and fourth years) Tuesday, 2001 and 22.06.2010. in 10 hours; • Waterpolo (second and third year) Thursday, 03 and 24.06.2010. in 10 hours; • Swimming (last year students and fourth year) Thursday, 03 and 24.06.2010. in 10 hours; • Swimming (second and third year) Tuesday, 01 and 22.06.2010. in 10 hours; • Recovery (all) Wednesday, 02 and 23.06.2010. 10:30 hours; • OSM and ODS - Tuesday, 01. and 22.06.2010. at 10am and Wednesday, 02. and 23.06.2010. 10:30 hours. _______________________________________________________
THEORY FSPE - Thursday, 23.06.2010. at 15 hours, and the second time in early July - the date later. WATERPOLO RULES (T&P Waterpolo - academic and vocational studies) FSPE Tuesday, 23.06.2010. in 15 hours.
For Swimming and Waterpolo Chair: Zoran Bratusa