Dr Ivan Ćuk Štampa
arrow Predmeti na studijskim programima:
  • OAS arrow Uvod u istraživački rad sa osnovama statistike
  • MAS arrow Metodologija istraživanja u fizičkom vaspitanju i sportu
  • DAS arrow Metodologija istraživanja u fizičkom vaspitanju i sportu
  • DAS arrow Statistika u fizičkom vaspitanju i sportu
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arrow Datum i mesto rođenja: 17.11.1984. Beograd, Republika Srbija.
arrow Obrazovanje / Akademska karijera:
indent 2022, Izbor u zvanje "Docent", Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu;
indent 2020, Izbor u zvanje "Vanredni profesor", Fakultet za fizičku kulturu i menadžment u sportu, Univerzitet Singidunum;
indent 2015, Izbor u zvanje "Docent", Fakultet za fizičku kulturu i menadžment u sportu, Univerzitet Singidunum;
indent 2015, Izbor u zvanje "Naučni saradnik", Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu;
indent 2015, Izbor u zvanje "Profesor strukovnih studija", Visoka sportska i zdravstvena škola Beograd;
indent 2015, Doktorat, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu – prosek 9,75 (student godine doktorskih akademskih studija 2011/2012 i 2013/2014);
indent 2012, Izbor u zvanje „Istraživač saradnik“, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu;
indent 2009, Diploma, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu – prosek 9,06 (student godine osnovnih akademskih studija 2005/2006).
arrow Sportska karijera:
indent 2006 – 2010: Orijentiring;
indent 2001 – 2006: Atletika – trčanje na srednjim i dugim distancama
arrow Nastavno iskustvo:
indent Zaposlen na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja počev od 01.10.2022. godine;
indent 2022 - do danas Docent na metodološkim predmetima – katedra za motoriku i metodologiju;
indent 2020-2022 vanredni profesor na Univerzitetu Singidunum angažovan na predmetima: Atletika, Dijagnostika u fizičkom vaspitanju i sportu, Istorija sporta, Biomehanika;
indent 2015-2020 docent na Univerzitetu Singidunum angažovan na predmetima: Atletika, Dijagnostika u fizičkom vaspitanju i sportu, Analitika u sportu i skauting, Motorno učenje, Istorija sporta;
indent 2015-2017 profesor strukovnih studija na Visokoj sportskoj i zdravstvenoj školi angažovan na predmetima: Biomehanika, Antropomotorika, Dijagnostika u sportu i Osnove sportskog treninga.
arrow Angažovanje na projektima:
indent 2024 Erasmus projekat nastavne mobilnosti (Staff mobility for Teaching), National Sports Academy (NSA) "Vassil Levski", Sofia, Bulgaria;
indent 2024 Rukovodilac Erasmus projekta mobilnosti u oblasti sporta 2024-1-RS01-KA182-SPO-000229959;
indent 2022 Erasmus projekat nastavne mobilnosti (Staff mobility for Teaching), Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
indent 2018 Erasmus projekat nastavne mobilnosti (Staff mobility for Teaching), Kauno Kolegija, Kaunas, Lithuania;
indent 2011-2015 saradnik na projektu Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije pod nazivom „Mišićni i neuralni faktori humane lokomocije i njihove adaptivne promene“ (#175037);
indent 2007-2010 volonter na projektu Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije pod nazivom „Evaluacija metoda za procenu uloge mišićnih i neuralnih faktora i njihovih adaptivnih promena u humanoj lokomociji" (#145082).
arrow Naučno i stručno usavršavanje:
1. Preko 80 publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata, od čega je 60 naučnih radova u indeksiranim časopisima međunarodnog značaja (M20 kategorija) i preko 80 verifikovanih recenzija;
2. Član stručnih i naučnih odbora nekoliko domaćih i međunarodnih naučnih konferencija;
3. Pomoćni urednik međunarodnog naučnog časopisa Kinesiologia Slovenica;
4. Gostujući urednih međunarodnih naučnih časopisa Medicina (Kaunas), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health i Frontiers in Sports and Active Living;
5. Stalni član stručnog saveta Srpskog atletskog saveza;
6. Recenzent pri Nacionalnom telu za akreditaciju i obezbeđenje kvaliteta u visokom obrazovanju;
7. Konsultant za biomehaničku analizu u kompaniji Neuroblast.
arrow Knjige:
1. S. Marković, I. Ćuk, M. Milošević, Analitika u sportu sa osnovama skautinga, Univerzitet Singidunum, 2022;
2. 2. I. Ćuk, S. Rakić, Osnove atletike – teorija i metodika, Univerzitet Singidunum, 2019.

arrow Reprezentativne reference – radovi M20 (SSCI/SCIE):

(M21a) - Radovi u međunarodnom časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti

  1. Knechtle B, Cuk I, Villiger E, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Scheer V, Thuany M. The Effects of Sex, Age and Performance Level on Pacing in Ultra-Marathon Runners in the ‘Spartathlon’. Sports Medicine-Open. 2022 Dec;8(1):1-0.
  2. Thuany M, Vieira M, Paula HD, Nikolaidis PT, Scheer V, Weiss K, Cuk I, Knechtle B, Gomes TN. The Relative Importance of Training and Social Support for Runners’ Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study, Sports Medicine-Open. 2023; 9:11.
  3. Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Weiss K. Comparing the Performance Gap Between Males and Females in the Older Age Groups in IRONMAN® 70.3: An Internet-Based Cross-Sectional Study of More Than 800,000 Race Records, Sports Medicine-Open. 2023 Sep 21;9(1):88.

(M21) - Radovi u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu

  1. Prebeg G, Cuk I, Suzovic D, Stojiljkovic S, Mitic D, Jaric S. Relationships among the muscle strength properties as assessed through various tests and variables. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2013 Apr 1;23(2):455-61.
  2. Cuk I, Markovic M, Nedeljkovic A, Ugarkovic D, Kukolj M, Jaric S. Force–velocity relationship of leg extensors obtained from loaded and unloaded vertical jumps. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2014 Aug;114(8):1703-14.
  3. Sreckovic S, Cuk I, Djuric S, Nedeljkovic A, Mirkov D, Jaric S. Evaluation of force–velocity and power–velocity relationship of arm muscles. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2015 Aug;115(8):1779-87.
  4. Djuric S, Cuk I, Sreckovic S, Mirkov D, Nedeljkovic A, Jaric S. Selective effects of training against weight and inertia on muscle mechanical properties. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2016 Oct 1;11(7):927-32.
  5. Cuk I, Prebeg G, Sreckovic S, Mirkov DM, Jaric S. Generalization of muscle strength capacities as assessed from different variables, tests, and muscle groups. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2017 Feb 1;31(2):305-12.
  6. Zivkovic MZ, Djuric S, Cuk I, Suzovic D, Jaric S. A simple method for assessment of muscle force, velocity, and power producing capacities from functional movement tasks. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2017 Jul 3;35(13):1287-93.
  7. Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Knechtle B. Performance and pacing of age groups in half-marathon and marathon. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019 Jan;16(10):1777.
  8. Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B. Sex differences in pacing during half-marathon and marathon race. Research in Sports Medicine. 2020 Jan 2;28(1):111-20.
  9. Milic M, Nedeljkovic A, Cuk I, Mudric M, García-Ramos A. Comparison of reaction time between beginners and experienced fencers during quasi-realistic fencing situations. European Journal of Sport Science. 2020 Aug 8;20(7):896-905.
  10. Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Clemente-Suárez VJ, Villiger E, Knechtle B. Number of finishers and performance of age group women and men in long-distance running: comparison among 10km, half-marathon and marathon races in Oslo. Research in Sports Medicine. 2021 Jan 2;29(1):56-66.
  11. Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Alvero-Cruz JR, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Scheer V. Trends in Weather Conditions and Performance by Age Groups Over the History of the Berlin Marathon. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021;12.
  12. Đurić S, Knezevic OM, Sember V, Cuk I, Nedeljkovic A, Pajek M, Mirkov DM. Effects of Resistance Training With Constant, Inertial, and Combined Loads on Muscle Power and Strength Output. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021:1875.
  13. Weiss K., Valero D., Villiger E., Scheer V., Thuany M., Cuk I., Rosemann T., Knechtle B., The influence of environmental conditions on pacing in age group marathoners competing in the 'New York City Marathon', Frontiers in Physiology. 2022:1171.
  14. Knechtle B, Weiss K, Forte P, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Sousa CV, Andrade M, Thuany M. Biophysical characterization of the first ultra-cyclist in the world to break the 1,000 km barrier in 24-hour non-stop road cycling: A case report. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2022:1171.
  15. Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Cuk I, Scheer V, Knechtle B. Relationship between running performance and weather in elite marathoners competing in the New York City Marathon, Scientific Reports. 2022 Dec;1:1-11
  16. Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Forte P, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Cuk I, Sousa CV, Knechtle B. A Machine Learning Approach to Finding the Fastest Race Course for Professional Athletes Competing in Ironman® 70.3 Races between 2004 and 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 20(4),3619.
  17. Stjepanovic M, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Thuany M, Sousa CV. Changes in pacing variation with increasing race duration in ultra-triathlon races, Scientific Reports. 2023 13(1).
  18. Turnwald J, Sousa C.V, Andrade MS, Thuany M, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B. Participation and Performance Trends in Short-, Medium, and Long-Distance Duathlon, Scientific Reports. 2023 13:9303.
  19. Weiss K, Seffrin A, Andrade MS, Ahmad W, Forte P, Moreitz S, Stanula A, Cuk I, Nikolaidis P, Knechtle B. Where are the fastest Master Butterfly Swimmers competing in the FINA World Masters Championships from?, EXCLI Journal. 2023 8(22):604-19.
  20. Knechtle B, Cuk I, Villiger E, Forte P, Thuany M, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K. Performance and pacing of professional IRONMAN triathletes: the fastest IRONMAN World Championship ever—IRONMAN Hawaii 2022. Scientific Reports. 2023 Sep 21;13(1):15708.
  21. Ristanović L, Cuk I, Villiger E, Stojiljković S, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B. The pacing differences in performance levels of marathon and half-marathon runners. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023;14.
  22. Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Forte P, Gajda R, Scheer V, Sreckovic S, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Knechtle B. Analysis of over 1 million race records shows runners from East African countries as the fastest in 50-km ultra-marathons. Scientific Reports. 2024 Apr 5;14(1):1-6.
  23. Knechtle B, Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Weiss K. Europe has the fastest Ironman race courses and the fastest Ironman age group triathletes. Scientific Reports. 2024 Sep 8;14(1):2090.

(M22) - Radovi u istaknutom međunarodnom časopisu

  1. Bozic PR, Pazin NR, Berjan BB, Planic NM, Cuk ID. Evaluation of the field tests of flexibility of the lower extremity: reliability and the concurrent and factorial validity. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2010 Sep 1;24(9):2523-31.
  2. Trajkov M, Cuk I, Eminovic F, Kljajic D, Dopsaj M. Relationship between hand grip strength and endurance and postural stability in active and sedentary older women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2018 Dec 1;43:62-7.
  3. Nikolaidis PT, Ćuk I, Knechtle B. Pacing of women and men in half-marathon and marathon races. Medicina. 2019 Jan;55(1):14.
  4. Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Markovic S, Knechtle B. Age differences in pacing in endurance running: Comparison between marathon and half-marathon Men and Women. Medicina. 2019 Aug;55(8):479.
  5. Djuric S, Cuk I. Sensitivity of the novel two-point force-velocity model: An assessment of leg muscle mechanical capacities. Sports Biomechanics. 2020 Feb 7:1-4.
  6. Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Villiger E, Knechtle B. Pacing in Long-Distance Running: Sex and Age Differences in 10-km Race and Marathon. Medicina. 2021 Apr;57(4):389.
  7. Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Scheer V, Cuk I, Knechtle B. Temperature and barometric pressure are related to running speed and pacing of the fastest runners in the ‘Berlin Marathon’. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 2022 Jun 1 26(12):4177-187.
  8. Weiss K, Sousa CV, Thuany M, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B. Differences in pacing during cycling and running in ultra-triathlons–The example of ‘Swissultra’. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 2022 Jul 26:4959-68.
  9. Weiss K, Thuany M, Scheer V, Ouerghi N, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Knechtle B. How to end up on the podium after running a 6-days-run with type 1 diabetes mellitus – A case study and literature review, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 2023 Jan 27:88-97.
  10. Bubanj S, Radenković M, Stanković D, Petković E, Lilić A, Bojić I, Aksović N. Dobrescu T, Bjelica B, Cuk I, Mazić S, Petrini FM, Sinanović Š, Tomović M, Leuciuc FV. Biomechanics of Ascending and Descending Stairs in Patient with Transfemoral Amputation and Neural Sensory Feedback, Symmetry. 2023 15(7), 1443.
  11. Vuckovic V, Cuk I, Duric S. Purchase Channels and Motivation for Exercise in the Slovenian Population: Customer Behavior as a Guarantee of Fitness Center Sustainability, Behavioral Sciences. 2023 13(6):447.
  12. Dakić, M. Ilić, V. Toskić, L. Duric, S. Šimenko, J. Marković, M. Dopsaj, M. Cuk, I. Acute effects of short-term massage procedures on neuromechanical contractile properties of rectus femoris muscle. Medicina. 2024 Jan;60(1):125.
  13. Cuk I, Markovic S, Weiss K, Knechtle B. Running Variability in Marathon—Evaluation of the Pacing Variables. Medicina. 2024 Jan;60(2):218.
  14. Knechtle B, Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Scheer V, Cuk I, Gajda R, Thuany M. Using machine learning to determine the nationalities of the fastest 100-mile ultra-marathoners and identify top racing events. PloS one. 2024 Aug 22;19(8):e0303960.
  15. Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Scheer V, Thuany M, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Rosemann T, Knechtle B. Associations between environmental factors and running performance: An observational study of the Berlin Marathon. Plos one. 2024 Oct 16;19(10):e0312097.
  16. Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Andrade MS, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Rosemann T, Weiss K. Sex difference in IRONMAN age group triathletes. PloS one. 2024 Oct 7;19(10):e0311202.

(M23) - Radovi u međunarodnom časopisu

  1. Mudric M, Cuk I, Nedeljkovic A, Jovanovic S, Jaric S. Evaluation of Video-based method for the measurement of reaction time in specific sport situation. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 2015 Dec 1;15(3):1077-89.
  2. Cuk I, Mirkov D, Nedeljkovic A, Kukolj M, Ugarkovic D, Jaric S. Force–velocity property of leg muscles in individuals of different level of physical fitness. Sports Biomechanics. 2016 Apr 2;15(2):207-19.
  3. Zivkovic MZ, Djuric S, Cuk I, Suzovic D, Jaric S. Muscle force-velocity relationships observed in four different functional tests. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2017 Feb;56:39.
  4. Mudric M, Cuk I, Janicijevic D, Nedeljkovic A, García-Ramos A. Feasibility of a modern video-based technology for assessing the reaction time during specific karate kumite situations. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 2020 Jul 3;20(4):620-30.
  5. Milic M, Janicijevic D, Nedeljkovic A, Cuk I, Mudric M, García-Ramos A. Optimal Instructions to Maximize Attack Efficiency in Beginners and Experienced Fencers. Motor Control. 2020 Dec 21;25(2):153-66.
  6. Aleksić J, Gkatzaveli S, Tasić L, Obrenović M, Stojanović N, Ćuk I. The concurrent validity of motion x-ray technology utilising polar verity sense to measure velocity, force and power–pilot study. TEME. 2023 Dec 25:717-33.
  7. Knechtle B, Cuk I, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Forte P, Thuany M. Case Report: Differences in self-selected pacing in 20, 40, and 60 ironman-distance triathlons: a case study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2024 Sep 16;6:e1155844.

(M24) - Radovi u časopisu međunarodnog značaja verifikovanog posebnom odlukom

  1. Borovcanin D, Cuk I, Lesjak M, Juvan E. The importance of sport event on hotel performance for restarting tourism after COVID-19. Societies. 2020 Dec;10(4):90.
  2. Marković S, Ćuk I, Radonjić V, Momčilović V. Power Characteristics in Senior Basketball Players-Competitive-Level Differences. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport. 2021 Nov 22:69-79.
  3. Rakic S, Kukic F, Cherepov E, Dopsaj M, Schelgacheva K, Cuk I. The Effect of Frequency and Volume of Leisure-Time Physical Activity on Body Fatness of Employed Females. Čelovek. Sport. Medicina. 2022 22(2):75-83.
  4. Stojiljkovic S, Matić M, Ćuk I, Papić L. Analysis and performance trends of serbian runners in the Belgrade Marathon in the 2007-2019 Period. Physical Culture. 2022 May;76(1): 59-70
  5. Fariod M, Olher R.R, Sousa CV, Scheer V, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Thuany M, Weiss K, Knechtle B. Pacing variation in multi-stage ultra-marathons: An internet-based cross-sectional study, JMIR Formative Research. 2023; 23 (7): E-pub.
  6. Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Fernandes MSS, Forte P, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Knechtle B. A study of the fastest courses for professional triathletes competing in IRONMAN® triathlons. Human Movement. 2024 Jun;25(2):148-60.
  7. Knechtle B, Villiger E, Weiss K, Valero D, Gajda R, Scheer V, de Lira CA, Braschler L, Nikolaidis PT, Vancini RL, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Thuany M. Analysis of the 72-h ultramarathon using a predictive XG Boost model. Sport Sciences for Health. 2024 Aug 6:1-4.
  8. Thuany M, Witthöft A, Valero D, Forte P, Weiss K, Scheer V, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Ćuk I, Knechtle B. Road and trail running from 5 km to an ultra-marathon–trends in Switzerland from 1999 to 2019. Human Movement. 2024 Sep 30;25(3):96-108.
Poslednje ažurirano ponedeljak, 28 oktobar 2024 13:58