Exercising & Sokol Movement
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© 2014 Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Универзитет у Београду | Благоја Паровића 156 | 11030 Београд, Србија | +381(11)3531-000 | контакт |
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The educational objectives of the study of Sport in line with modern trends in education of coaches in the world and the needs of the wider community. They derive from an objective state of perceiving coaching profession in our country and the need to provide skilled personnel in this field.
Educational goals of basic professional studies program of study sport are forming a modern, competent and independent trainers, trained in all forms of scientific and practical activities in the field of sports training and competition. He is qualified to successfully apply all relevant training methods and tools, plans and programmed sporting activities, and that in practice apply technological advances in the field of sport. This includes the acquisition of certain theoretical and especially practical, applicable knowledge in the field of sports, or sports training and competitions, including: Nastavni sadržaji predmeta koji se izučavaju na studijskom programu Sport su u funkciji osposobljavanja studenata za samostalnu primenu svih relevantnih metoda tehnologije i organizacije realizacije sportskih aktivnosti. Oni su usklađeni sa potrebama sporta, odnosno društvene zajednice. Studenti koji završe studijski program Sport su u potpunosti osposobljeni za rad u: sportskim klubovima, sportskim školama, reprezentativnim selekcijama, sportskim savezima, sportskim centrima.
The main objectives can be formulated as follows: Special attention is paid to developing the ability to integrate acquired knowledge and application in practice. In this sense, one of the important objectives is to stimulate the development of creative and innovative skills, critical thinking and initiatives of students. The objectives of the program are fully consistent with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.